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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


It pays to be tenacious. Some will say that you are bludgeoning your face against an immovable wall. That is not true. Be tenacious. Everyday is resistance against the grist mill; the implacable uncaring machine that is trying to grind hope into dust. Fight forever; make the enemy pay dearly for every inch they try to take away. Fight..because to fight is better than to submit. Have hope; there is victory fast approaching. Never ever relent ...they may attempt to set you back but they cannot cast you from your course. That decision is yours; only you can decide to give up. Do not do it; instead live your life; enjoy everything that life has to offer and move forwards but never forget that there is a battle at hand. Live your life because moving forwards in other facets of your life is the one thing that cannot be stolen from you; but never ever let them believe that you have given up. It burns your oppressor even more that you are happy in spite of all their attempts to make your world a desolation; while you simultaneously continue, always continue to fight. Be tenacious and filled with hope there is no way that you can lose. Stand your ground. The light of day comes after the rain. Always.

Bonfire of the Sanities

Give in to me you will feel so much better after you do...

Close your eyes and fall into me I will show you sleep I will take you away to rest and sublime release...

I know that your burden is crushing and your heart is care worn;

Let your reason flow into me...I will give you a gift… my boon...

And you will be whatever your heart has desired to be.

All else will fall away and your rationing mind will slumber for a time....

Sit beneath my spreading boughs and dream...where I am there are no weeping children, no bills, no creditors, no worries, no diseases, death, aging, or broken hearts...

Eat of my fruit...and let your belly finally be full...

Leave your world of care behind and for a time sleep...

For, you can stay as long as you wish...

And that world of care will pass like a glass before your eye...but you will will abide...

And, if you choose to take your long ease I will make the transition quick and painless...

Slip into my arms your wrists; you will sleep forever and feel peace...

I'll hold you close my tired babe and kiss your lips and take your breath into me...

There is nothing so precious as that final whispering breath...

The one that goes back to God...