This is a recipe for a fairly good roast :
3 - 5 lb Roast : can be loin , shank , shoulder , undercut can be used but not preferred
1/4 cup cumin
1/4 cup coriander
1/4 cup paprika
1/4 cup rosemary
1/2 tsp crushed clove
1/2 tsp crushed cardamom
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tbs ground ginger
2 tsp salt
5 tbs garlic powder
2 cups chopped green onion
1/2 cup crushed dried red pepper
1/2 cup crushed black pepper
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup red wine (anything but merlot , don't cook with anything you wouldn't drink)
2 cups dried fruit ( prunes , apricots , figs or all three)
1 packet cream of mushroom soup
5 tbs olive oil
1 large beef tomato
1/2 cup cream cheese
2 cups steamed spinach
1 large baking dish
cooking twine
Score the surface of your meat cross hatch against the grain
Combine cumin , coriander , paprika , rosemary , cardamom , cinnamon , ginger, salt, red wine , and soup
Cover meat with this mixture and knead into the meat
Ensure that meat is completely submerged in liquid
cover and let marinate over night
Combine chopped steamed spinach with cream cheese
Core tomato removing all pulp and seeds
Stuff tomato with cream cheese spinach mix and set in fridge to cool
Next day:
Remove meat from marinade and pat dry reserving marinade
Preheat oven to 453 degrees
Place olive oil in baking dish and place on stove
Place meat on cutting board lengthwise
Place dried fruit along the meat lengthwise
Tie roast ensuring that fruit is securely nestled within
Using tongs lightly sear the outer layer of the roast in the olive oil
take off and place on cutting board
rub with red and black pepper , garlic powder and brown sugar
place in oven
cook to your liking : rare , medium , well etc periodically baste with marinade and pan drippings when done remove from oven
cut away twine
slice roast into 1 1/2 inch slices
use pan drippings and 1/2 cup coffee with 1/2 cup redwine for some red eye gravy
place 3 slices of roast on a plate
cover with red eye garnish with your stuffed tomato and chopped green onion (you can substitute a baked potato if you like that better)
Enjoy Biatch!!!