Happiness is like warm sunshine on my face. The feeling of grass between my toes. The sound and smell of falling rain. The crisp sharp aroma of dry leaves in autumn. Happiness is important. Too many people roam around this world without "the happy". Its important. Important to have a well of joy to dip into. If you can't be happy inside , in and of your self you can not expect anyone to make you happy. If its not here now , no one is going to bring it with them to give to you. Granted people can make you feel happier. But the void inside will never be filled if you don't find your joy , taste it , smell it , and own it. I love my dogs ; no matter how bad I'm feeling they are always happy to see me. Even if the world is angry with me they walk in , tails swishing , and start pumping out that good vibe. That love. That sunshine. I Love my sister..she is a powerful person ; a pillar of strength ; my phoenix. I Love my girlfriend..she is my best thing; my love ; my best friend ; my little bear. I love to pinch her thigh. So I sit here in my chair...looking around at the Anger Cafe and take a moment to reflect on the fact that even though injustice and stupidity..callousness and pain seem to permeate everything and the world is an unfair place; I am glad because I have my joy..its inside me..flowing through me...and as I soak up the rays pumped out by my great things..my great people..my sunshine machines..it flows through me and I start pumping it out too... that joy juice , that sublime happy , that awesome frenetic love...that good vibe baby....I'm a lucky man
1 comment:
I think this one is my favorite :)
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