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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Before Battle

Let your strength flow into me..because alone I am just a man but with you I become the blast of hurricane winds, the crashing of ocean waves, the conflagration of biting fire and the earth shakes at my approach...without you I am but a man...with you I am the immovable rock...I am crimson victory splashed across boulders of granite...I am icy steel and black obsidian and my enemies quake in fear...fill me with your strength ...vindicate me...I commit myself into your keeping

Facts... just the facts

Do yourself a favor don't just watch a movie, sit in front of the tv, or read a book. Keep your eyes open an seek out facts. Real concrete facts...When you do you'll be horrified to realize that 90% percent of what the mass media disseminates is an amalgamation of everything from gentle stretching of truth to bald faced redaction of history. Dependence on a third party to determine the veracity of any form of media for you; is an invitation to be lied to. Why would the media do such a horrible thing you ask? Agendas...plain and simple. Agendas are easier to bring to fruition when you win popular opinion. Misdirection; veil actions that border on wantonly criminal in false patriotism and honor then everything that's so dirty comes out squeaky clean. Indulging in a little shroud waving quiets many voices and hides many dark things. I imagine it must be especially satisfying to convince a population to cheer and applaud actions that will ultimately lead to their enslavement. The worlds biggest joke : singing your oppressors praises while starving, sitting in chains, and freezing to death. So do yourself a favor get the facts. Do the leg work; its worth it.


The word "rights" is a dangerous and loaded word. Potential is a better one. Rights don't exist; there is only that which you have the potential to attain and that which you have the potential to lose. As long as a person entertains the idea of "rights" they become a slave to the system that dictates what those "rights" are and how far said "rights" extend. Entities with power attempt to sell the term "rights". By doing so they control how much you are allowed to have and whether or not you are allowed to grow while simultaneously attempting to convince you that in spite of obvious truths you are living the "good life". "Things are awesome now don't ask for anything more you have it good". Todays "rights" are tomorrows "potential" shackles.

On Dogs

Dogs are the perfect backup. My dogs will listen to me and not just wait for their turn to speak, they play and have fun with me....if I play the fool they won't castigate fact they'll probably join in the merry making, they work efficiently and never slotch, and if I am in mortal danger my dogs will even die to defend and protect me..... but all of that isn't the best thing. The best thing about canines is that they understand better than anyone that we are a PACK. A single entity operating together towards a common goal with mutual understanding, respect and love. I am the leader of our pack and my animals depend on me and I in turn protect and nurture them. However if for any reason I am unable to assume the role of pack leader and protector they will rise to the occasion and assume that role; because they are social animals; they assume leadership because someone has to for the good of the pack. The difference is that my dogs don't spend their nights dreaming about how they can screw me over, in order to take the leader position.

For my food lovers

Here's something nice for you to think about -

Appetizer : Beluga caviar , sour cream , blintzes , apricot blackberry chocolate preserves

Salad : Almond , roasted peaches, water cress, apple wood bacon,

1st course : Rack of Wild boar, randia coco foam, ghost pepper reduction

2nd course: Pan seared medallions of duck, coconut papaya chutney, bourbon cardamom black pepper glaze

3rd course: Clarified butter and lemon smoked Cornish game hen, caramelized truffle red wine chocolate and green chillie reduction

Dessert: 12 layered triple infused chocolate almond fudge cake, new bean slow churned vanilla ice cream

Accompaniment : Prix 2007 Moskowite Ranch Reserve

Prayer Beads

I'm always confused by folks that wear or carry prayer beads purely for their aesthetics. -

"So why do you have those?" -
"Oh yeah don't they look ill dude" -
"So I gather you don't pray?" -
"No homie I'm an atheist...what's up? You look irritated."
"You're a tool homie"
"What? are some kinda religious nut Sam?"
"Dude, you are a walking talking advertisement for callous absurdity"
"Well I don't see it that way"
"And that's your deal that's fine; I just find it distasteful that you've taken something that has large quantities of religious significance for millions of people and equated them with a slap bracelet"

Starved for attention, Seeking self worth, Praying for validation

Some guy :"Yeah man isn't it great being a doctor?".

Sam :"Um I guess so at the end of the day that's just a title..administering care and helping people is what's pretty awesome".

Some guy: "Yeah but as a doctor everyone knows the hard work you've done and recognizes it..I love the accolades"

Sam: "Well it's enough for me to know what I've done and more importantly what I do"

(he gives me a puzzled look)

Some guy: "Not me..every time I see Dr. next to my name its a little pat on the back"

Sam: "Like getting a cookie right..that and yer white coat lets everyone know how special you are right?"

(again with the puzzled look)

Some guy: "huh dude what are you talking about I'm a doctor of music composition"

Sam: "Oh....well enjoy that cookie we'll even put a gold star next to your name....A++....hugs, kisses, a cherry on top and all that shit too"